Thursday, 21 September 2017

Closest yet farthest!!

Holding his emotions...
with all his might...

Who knows he might have been...
shedding tears all night!?...

Yet with a smile on his face...
He never expressed any resentment...

For he who never expressed...
was actually the one who cared...

An assurance of safety...
came along with his presence...

Just any other human...
but with an extraordinary forbearance...

Silently sacrificing his peace...
for our pizza with extra cheese...

Working hard day and night...
for our life to be at ease...

Carrying upon his back...
the burden of our expectations...

He gave upon his desires...
and didn't complain even once!!...

A few days ago, my father paid a visit to the place where I am staying for my education. He was here to hand me over some documents and was in a hurry. So, it was just an exchange of glances, documents and a few words. And just as I turned back, my eyes brimmed up with tears. Just a glance and the eyes revealed it all the very next moment!

Many of you might have had some similar experiences.

A father selflessly keeps on doing his every possible bit for making us happy. He strives leaps and bounds for satisfying our demands! Unfortunately, many of us are unable to realize the same early in our life. 

A strict, rebuking nature which he adopts for our betterment is all what we are able to see. And, this becomes his way of expressing deep care, attachment and love. 

Many of us might agree that the length of conversation with our father decreases as we grow up. The failure to realize that a person who has been taking care of you for so long deserves attention and care in return is disheartening!!

And he 'll never ask for it is what makes him stand out among all the relations!!

Teenage is when we start using our immature developing brain under the deleterious influence of the small new world of ours to which we are newly exposed. This is the period when we end up nurturing some naive differences with our father.

As we grow many of us do realize, but due to the lack of communication ever since, we find it difficult to approach and share a heart talk with him. 

It is not that he becomes immune to the challenging situations he keeps on facing. He has to remain strong or at least portray to be, for us to remain calm in tough times.

Don't you think he deserves the satisfaction of being able to see his son or daughter greet him with a smile at the end of the day! 

Give it a thought and if you haven't done so yet, what are you waiting for? Just approach him and thank him for all what he has been doing for you with almost zero expectations.

And trust me you 'll never ever get to see the bliss on someone else's face as you would do on that of his!!

The distance between the closest and the farthest, well can be covered just with a smile. Try it!!!