Thursday 24 January 2019

The forsaken form of education…

For what is being constantly backed to be improvised, revitalized and revamped, the education sector reforms and initiatives have been making the headlines every other day. But unfortunately, most of these efforts of giving a new face to the current education system are focusing on the improving the existing content and introduction of industry aligned courses.

Have you ever wondered, what is the precise definition of education itself? Let’s have a look!

Wikipedia itself offered me the most lucid definition of education. At least, I found it clear enough for me to be able to easily introduce the missing piece in the structural foundation of the current education system. The definition reads “Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and habits.”

Without wasting much of your precious time, I would like to draw your attention to the term ‘Values’ present in the above definition. As much as the other aspects have been taken care of or being paid attention, this aspect of education has been on an exponential decline and almost thrown out of the entire scenario.

Let me assert the validity of my concern by reminding you of the recent controversy involving two of our most followed cricket celebrities making some brash statements on a popular talk show. The criticism they attracted, whether or not any disciplinary actions should be initiated against them is none of my concern. The root cause behind this whole controversy were the statements made. This is where values and ethics come into play. Do I further need to explain the importance of the most neglected form of education.

A person needs to undergo four forms of education in his/her learning days.

·       Scholastic education

·       Professional education (Specialization)

·       Financial education

·       Value education

The scholastic education is the most basic form of education which teaches you how to read, write and do math. Professional education is the one you receive in order to expand your knowledge in your field of interest. Financial education is also being provided to only those who are opting for these courses. Whereas, basic financial education is a must for people from all walks of life irrespective of their working jargons.

Last but not least, and the most important of them all, value education deserves much more attention than it is being paid as far as the current state of education in our nation is concerned. An environment in which our young ones are being forced to enter is full of hardships.

A young mind needs to tackle the mounting pressure, the pouncing predators, the bad influences, the existing prejudices, and an eternal list of troubles. Imagine the mental strength one needs to possess while entering this brutal war-zone. The mental strength is nothing but the moral values instilled and imbibed at the grassroots level. The foundation of human values is an asset which need to be refuelled at regular intervals. If not paid due attention, you may fall prey irrespective of your mental toughness!

However, a person motivated by a desire to succeed alone or someone who always eyes his personal gain can never be trusted upon with the tasks of development and driving ahead the cart of progress. The person may excel in his job depending upon his skills. But, his decisions won’t be driven in a bid to secure a better position and a conducive environment for other fellow beings.

Value education is something which needs to be taken care of with some sheer urgency. For the millennials are certainly running berserk and the consequences are flashing more often than not in the headlines much to our dismay. 

Novel ideas and solutions regarding the above discussed concern from your side would be much appreciated.

Sunday 11 February 2018

For what hides behind the mirror…

Opinions, unsolicited advices and judgemental attitude marks our society in which we barely manage to survive! All these deadly weapons are readily aimed at our already vulnerable self-confidence, forcing us to question our credibility as a potential competitor, destroying our vigour and tenacity to succeed.

But, what hurts our chances even more is the inability to recognise our immense inner-potential. Underachievement is the obvious result of underrating oneself. More than the outside world, the fault lies in our very own perspective.

The way we see ourselves in the mirror is the way we portray ourselves to others. Being confident about one’s own capabilities is an incumbent prerequisite before jumping into the fray of opportunities. How on earth can you expect to influence others, if you lack belief in yourself!

We need to paint a bigger picture of self without crossing the margin of arrogance and recklessness. A sanguine outlook coupled with a confident approach make the perfect ingredients in the recipe of success.

The ability of leading others is nothing but a by-product of enlarged, out of the box perspective which is powered by sheer self-belief. As far as the present scenario is concerned, who doesn’t crave to stand tall amongst all other fellow individuals, arresting complete attention!?

However, this kind of approach is not something which can be developed overnight. It needs to be worked upon single-mindedly. Preconceived notions aka prejudices are the greatest roadblocks that we face as far as the improvement in our perspectives is concerned.

Paying less attention to what others think of us is a crucial step in overcoming the issue of low self-belief. A mere change of perspective about self can make a huge difference in the final outcome. Focus on your strengths, highlight them, make them the eternal source of your confidence.

The next time, when you peek into that mirror, all what you should see is a stronger, determined and unbeatable version of you! For what hides behind the mirror is the impeccable one which is nothing but your own reflection!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Closest yet farthest!!

Holding his emotions...
with all his might...

Who knows he might have been...
shedding tears all night!?...

Yet with a smile on his face...
He never expressed any resentment...

For he who never expressed...
was actually the one who cared...

An assurance of safety...
came along with his presence...

Just any other human...
but with an extraordinary forbearance...

Silently sacrificing his peace...
for our pizza with extra cheese...

Working hard day and night...
for our life to be at ease...

Carrying upon his back...
the burden of our expectations...

He gave upon his desires...
and didn't complain even once!!...

A few days ago, my father paid a visit to the place where I am staying for my education. He was here to hand me over some documents and was in a hurry. So, it was just an exchange of glances, documents and a few words. And just as I turned back, my eyes brimmed up with tears. Just a glance and the eyes revealed it all the very next moment!

Many of you might have had some similar experiences.

A father selflessly keeps on doing his every possible bit for making us happy. He strives leaps and bounds for satisfying our demands! Unfortunately, many of us are unable to realize the same early in our life. 

A strict, rebuking nature which he adopts for our betterment is all what we are able to see. And, this becomes his way of expressing deep care, attachment and love. 

Many of us might agree that the length of conversation with our father decreases as we grow up. The failure to realize that a person who has been taking care of you for so long deserves attention and care in return is disheartening!!

And he 'll never ask for it is what makes him stand out among all the relations!!

Teenage is when we start using our immature developing brain under the deleterious influence of the small new world of ours to which we are newly exposed. This is the period when we end up nurturing some naive differences with our father.

As we grow many of us do realize, but due to the lack of communication ever since, we find it difficult to approach and share a heart talk with him. 

It is not that he becomes immune to the challenging situations he keeps on facing. He has to remain strong or at least portray to be, for us to remain calm in tough times.

Don't you think he deserves the satisfaction of being able to see his son or daughter greet him with a smile at the end of the day! 

Give it a thought and if you haven't done so yet, what are you waiting for? Just approach him and thank him for all what he has been doing for you with almost zero expectations.

And trust me you 'll never ever get to see the bliss on someone else's face as you would do on that of his!!

The distance between the closest and the farthest, well can be covered just with a smile. Try it!!!

Wednesday 30 August 2017

An imposed mindset!!

A naive being we all are...
As we enter this wicked world...
Begins our journey on a crooked path...
Frittering our natural composure...
Absorbing and retaining...
All what is taught to us...
And thus, we transform into vulnerables...
Deep-diving into a vast sea of struggles...

All of us arrive in this world with a pure and an immaculate soul. A soul which has nothing but love to offer. Neither any grudges nor any attachments! 

But, the purity of soul turns out to be a transient one! Not having even a slight idea of the credibility of some ostensible notions being narrated and taught to us, we start imbibing and imitating the same!!

And this is where begins the process of imposing a mindset! 

We inherit and subsequently pass on the experiential wisdom of our elder ones. The problem does not lie within the words of wisdom but the inability of the younger generation to question the validity of the same! The inability to question is also a by-product of the imposed mindset! 

Imagine the paradoxical situation when we are taught to be inquisitive and our honest curious queries go unanswered! Some queries are even suppressed under the notion of being inappropriate!

Basically, we are being forced to follow what has been followed blindly since generations in the name of age-old customs and rituals. 

The inheritance of preconceived notions is something which cannot be termed to be entirely inappropriate but, it has certainly marred the rate of catching up with the inevitable changes!

We need to adapt to the changing customs and rituals! But before that, we need to adapt to the idea of a change! 

A human brain loves to follow a specific pattern and it is reluctant towards a change. But, the tremendous rate at which everything is developing demands us to acquire new ways of dealing with the growing issues. There are issues cropping up in every field which need to be paid attention with newer and wider perspectives.

The imposition of prejudiced mindset right from the childhood has been the main cause of the ignorant attitude being pervasive. Instead of being taught what is good and what is bad, the ability to differentiate between good and bad should be instilled within the kids. 

The ignorant attitude has instilled within us a number of vices and undesired qualities like procastination, giving excuses and many more.

The biggest price one pays is the failure to explore the colossal potential that every person possesses. A craving for comfort once ignited, turns into ashes the deepest desire within to succeed. 

We just cannot deny the importance of proper education and guidance of our elder beings. Whatever they do or ask us to do is for our betterment. But, that doesn't mean we should deal with our problems, the same way they did with theirs. This involves dealing with both personal as well as professional problems. 

Let the younger ones learn the survival skills required to sustain in this cruel world the harsh way!
Let them face the heat!
Let them toil for seeking what they desire! 
Let them make mistakes and learn from those! 
Let them fall and stand up on their own!
Let them enjoy the satisfaction of being self-made!

For the imposition of a prejudiced mindset can rob your child of all these experiences and a possible inspiring success story for the rest of the world!! 

Friday 25 August 2017

The vulgar side of humour!

Long gone are the days when a silent comedian used to make an entire audience burst into laughter without uttering even a single word! 

The word humour has undergone some serious revision in its meaning over the past few years. 

Humour comes in various flavours, any of which may appeal to one person but not the other. 

But, the current crop of boys and girls are more of inclined towards the type of humour which relies heavily on impropriety or indecency for the comic effect.

Now-a-days, a joke having zero vulgar content is labelled to be a lame one. Even a 12 year old mocks his naive friend for sending a joke having no obscene remarks. 

We used to sit in front of  the television sets, laughing our heart out watching slapstick like tom and jerry.
Kids nowadays idolize a five year old mischievous guy named Shinchan Nohara! And, one can readily see the undesired change at the grassroots level which further promotes this craze for vulgar comic strips!

Imagine the horror on our parent's face when we uttered our first cuss word.  And compare it with our reaction when we see a five year old blurting out the same repeatedly!

The social media has been flooded over with such atrocious images, videos and all such stuff. Let alone the social media, even daily life conversations are heading out in the same direction!

Instead of ameliorating the existing standards of comic content, we are further deteriorating the existing condition. 

One simply cannot overlook one of the most prominent resource of the growing offensive tidbits, the movies! We need to construe, not every producer is a social activist trying to make people aware about what is correct and what isn't! He/she is out there to earn big bucks, for which they have to cater to the needs of the audience. 

I wonder if the kids of the coming generation 'll ever get to know the pleasure of smiling upon witty remarks passed by seasoned yesteryear humorists. 

Well, Rowan Atkinson, our very own Mr.Bean may turn out to be the lone exception! His comic timing, clean and hilarious acts without mumbling even a single word has been and will continue to win many a hearts.

Isn't this a growing matter of concern? Today, a handful of people might be reading the serene compositions, poems with loads of witticism, let alone appreciating the  writers for the same!

It has been identified that humour contributes to higher subjective well-being. In fact, humour has been one of the major contributing factor in achieving a higher psychological well-being.

In the light of the above statements, all of us are forced to think over the urgent need of eliminating the inclination towards offensive content for the sake of entertainment.

Being constantly subjected to such kind of obnoxious content can have an opposing effect on our psychological well-being. 

The concept of humour has been seriously misapprehended! We need to get back on track before we end up crashing haphazardly leaving ourselves with no means of escape or return!

This reminds me of a legend who rose to fame in the era of silent film and his famous quote. 

A day without laughter is a day wasted!

I hope you all must have recognized who am I talking about as some people don't need an introduction!

Laugh healthy, live healthy!

Monday 21 August 2017

The art of giving excuses!

I am a little bit busy today, see you tomorrow buddy!

I won't be able to make there, I have a function at my home tonight!

I am late because of being held by the traffic police while coming!

I didn't come yesterday since I was not feeling well!

I wasn't able to write the answers because the questions were out of syllabus!
And a countless number of other excuses with which we come up, depending on the demand of the situation.

The human race has been evolving at an enormous pace. A lot of changes are there to be seen with the evolution! Change of mindsets, habits, and in other aspects of life.

But, the entire human race has managed with precision, to carry forward the age-old art of making excuses! 

The intensity, dramatic recitation and emotion with which one makes an excuse decides the magnitude of impact it is going to have!

We start imbibing this ancient art right from our childhood just by mere observation of the grownups! The seed thus sown, blossoms with passing time. 

A conducive environment (talking of friends๐Ÿ˜‚) accelerates the growth of this art and most of us emerge as the masters in this domain!

Albeit, a few of us fail to acquire even the limited working proficiency and these are the ones who feature in the memes all over! But, this doesn't mean that all of those falling under this category make it big in the future๐Ÿ˜†! This simply means they failed to learn the simplest art one ever encounters!๐Ÿ˜€

A clever few among us take this art to a completely new level, setting up impeccable standards! Never mess with such people, they possess the ability to excuse their way out of everything!

The beauty of this art is that it allows us to escape from precarious situations with utmost ease! An excuse does what even a knife can't on some occasions! We just have to fire the excuse at the apposite moment!

Making quality excuses is not as easy as it seems! Some excuses might backfire and make us stand at the receiving end within no time! Some might make us look dumb at times! 

For an average being, it requires years of tenacious and vigorous efforts to be able to come up with the right excuse at the right instant.

How on earth can we presume that the consequence of an excuse is always going to be fatal! Sometimes, this works as an elixir, a life saving potion. Subject to the condition that neither the one giving the excuse nor the one being presented are being harmed in any manner!

So, all of us together need to work upon this life saving art to ensure sublime escapes from intractable situations.

To ensure nobody faces the wrath of an angry masterji!๐Ÿ˜‚
To ensure a safe escape from a road traffic officer.
To ensure an escape from chipmunks making every possible effort to run you out of your brains!
To ensure the happiness of being able to make a fool of someone without harming them.๐Ÿ˜†

Get up everyone, go out there, start making excuses, master this art!

Carry forward the legacy of our lazy ancestors! Aid the ubiquitous existence of this art!

But, do keep one thing in mind! For God's sake, stop giving those lame excuses just because you are too lazy to think of new ones! ๐Ÿ˜Œ


Wednesday 16 August 2017

A scroll down the feed!

Waking up at 9...
Realizing that we are going to be late yet again...
Followed by yet another profound act of laziness by stretching out both the arms and letting out the final yawn...
We finally manage to reach out to our cell phone rubbing the sleep off our eyes, we turn on the data connection...(an accomplishment one can be proud of!)
The poor cell phone survives a mini scare of dropping down dead...
You have successfully gobbled down an hour or even more without even the slightest of realization let alone being regretful about it.

But, what was so intriguing that you didn't even realize it!? 

Let me give you all a small hint!

Was it something called THE FACEBOOK FEED????

Assured of a nodding approval from you all in response, let us embark upon a voyage which you all might be conversant with!

A scroll down the feed

A good morning wish with a message one rarely reads...
Begins our journey on the facebook feed...
Cursing a best friend just for fun...
Driving through the feed laughing on puns...
Ease with which you scroll down the feed...
Firing likes at all your will...
G.O.T posts are a mandatory feature...
Hold the door said the nutjob creature...
I love myself is the new trend...
Jump off the cliff if you misapprehend! 
Keep on scrolling down the feed...
Looking for memes with all your greed...
Motivation is a basic necessity these days...
No matter how happy seems to be your face...
Often we encounter someone being trolled
Pulling off their legs we make them crawl...
Quit this is what your mind says...
Rest is history which you know anyways...
Sarcasm makes you laugh alone...
The neighbor might consider you a moron...
Unveil themselves a few mystery friends...
Viciously you turn down whose requests (applicable only to girls though๐Ÿ˜‚) ...
Walking further down the lane ...
Xoxo pours down like a heavy rain...
Yet another hour has been wasted...
Zzzzzz....the facebook feed has just been reloaded!!!

This sums up the journey that we embark upon with utmost alacrity every single morning! Hope you all enjoyed it..๐Ÿ˜‚

A daily routine which might seemingly be entertaining is actually sowing within us, the seeds of procastination, sloth and a long list of bad to the bone habits. A constant exposure to the screens has been the predominant cause for the inculcation of fallacies, prejudices. All this is clearly having a precarious effect on our mindset and consequently on our productivity.

A self-restrained approach is the expected one! A complete relinquishment from this never ending source of entertainment is certainly not possible though.

Grasp the need of the hour,prioritize your tasks,act accordingly! 

Laugh out loud, share your happy moments with your friends, connect with new ones but not at the cost of your dreams (unless you dream to be a fb page admin๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚).